It’s Time To Love Yourself Again

What if I told you that in 8 weeks, you could feel like yourself again without spending thousands of dollars on rehab and therapy? 


Turn Your Messy Birth Into Power!

An expert guide to C-section recovery.


Learn how to disconnect from the noise around you and tune in to what's happening in your mind, body, and soul. I'll teach you how to:

  • Clear your mind with meditation
  • Connect with your body through simple movements and exercises.
  • Massage your scar to help it heal smoothly

It’s time to nurture yourself so you can be the best mother you possibly can.


Meet your instructor, and talk a little about the theory behind the course and what to expect. Plus, download your planner!


Dive into the mindset shifts and the first set of journaling prompts.

Week #1

Get started with your easy movement, scar treatments and weekly reflections.

Week 2

Increase your mind and body strength a little bit more this week.

Week 3

Time to begin the next round of scar treatments and increase the intensity of your movement a little bit

Week 4

Work on growing your mind and body strength 

Week 5

You should be feeling a lot stronger and connected to your body. Time to work on building that core and arms more

Week 6

Time to shine mentally and physically. You'll be working on more intense exercises and treating your scar more thoroughly.

Week 7

This week we'll focus on upping your body strength and reflecting inward more.

Week 8

It's the end but not really! We'll look at how far we've come, what you can do to keep this healthy routine and being the best mother you can be!

Guided journal prompts & a community of like-minded mothers

Each week you'll receive short questions to help you navigate those tricky postpartum emotions and thoughts. Your downloadable planner will also help you plan your days, keep up with your exercises, organize your tasks, and more.

You'll also get a community of mothers that have gone through the same experiences to connect with and share wins and ideas to get around the messy days. 

We can’t wait to connect and grow with you!

I'm Kamilla Holst.

I'm a Doctor of Chiropractic and specialize in pregnancy and postpartum recovery. 

I've had 2 C-sections within 2 years!

In 2020 I had my first traumatic emergency C-section, resulting in a postpartum depression. I found myself feeling disappointed that I didn't get the water birth I had prepared for, not connecting to my baby like I thought I would, dealing with a negative body image, and thinking I would NEVER feel like myself again.

At some point during my 4th trimester period, I decided, I had to do something and prioritize myself in order to be there for my son... 

Everything I did in the following weeks to feel like myself again, I have put together in this easy online follow-along course, because I want you to feel like the best version of you and be the mother your baby deserves to have.


C-strong Course

$297 USD

  • Immediate access to week 1 & welcome modules
  • Downloadable planner & journal
  • 8 weeks of drip content to keep you accountable
  • 8 weeks of guided exercises & scar treatments
  • Private community to connect with other mothers